, Malaysia

Roche (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd secures Malaysia Public-Private Partnership of the Year - Health at the GovMedia Conference & Awards 2024

The ZAKAT for HER programme aims at enhancing breast cancer treatment access in Sabah amongst underserved breast cancer patients. 

Roche (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd, in an exemplary partnership with Persatuan Kebajikan Islam Perubatan Sabah (PERKIPS) and Majlis Ugama Islam (MUIS), has been honoured with the Malaysia Public-Private Partnership of the Year - Health at the GovMedia Conference & Awards 2024. Their transformative initiative, ZAKAT for HER, seeks to mitigate the financial barriers faced by lower-income breast cancer patients in Sabah, providing timely, equitable and sustainable access to neoadjuvant therapy for HER-2 positive early breast cancer.

Launched in December 2023 under the auspices of PERKIPS, the ZAKAT for HER program has quickly become a beacon of hope, addressing the urgent need for equitable healthcare solutions in economically constrained regions. This initiative, established through a shared vision among Roche Malaysia, MUIS, and PERKIPS, underscores a commitment to healthcare equity and demonstrates a deep understanding of the challenges faced by women in underprivileged communities.

Breast cancer remains the most prevalent cancer amongst women in Malaysia, with about 50% of cases diagnosed at an early stage (Stage I and II)¹. However, not all patients receive the right treatment at the right time. In alignment with the Malaysia Health Minister's Health Screening Program, which promotes early detection to save lives, Zakat for HER offers hope to patients diagnosed at an early stage. This initiative ensures timely access to appropriate treatment, significantly enhancing their chances of a cure and achieving the best possible outcomes.

In 2023, only one patient from the public sector in Sabah had access to this innovative treatment. With this pioneering programme, support will be extended to 14 eligible breast cancer patients in Sabah in 2024, providing them with life-saving treatment that would otherwise be out of reach due to financial limitations. It is a testament to the power of collaborative efforts between private and public sectors to address healthcare disparities. The successful enrollment of the first patient within a month of the programme’s inception marks a significant milestone in this project. 

The ZAKAT for HER initiative is powered by a dynamic partnership framework. Roche, as a committed partner in the healthcare ecosystem, drives the initiative with a relentless focus on healthcare innovation. PERKIPS offers invaluable local insights and a network that ensures effective programme implementation across Sabah whilst also governing the programme. MUIS mobilises community support and funding, guaranteeing that critical resources reach those most in need. Together, these partners are transforming access to breast cancer treatment for women in Sabah.

This collaboration goes beyond providing access to essential treatments—it aims to build a sustainable, replicable model for regions facing similar challenges. The goal is to create a scalable framework that strengthens the healthcare system, promotes early detection, and ensures timely intervention for breast cancer and other critical diseases.

The success of ZAKAT for HER has captured attention for its profound impact and its potential to inspire further initiatives that bridge the gap between medical innovation and community healthcare needs. This programme is a significant leap towards a more inclusive and equitable healthcare system in Malaysia.

As Roche, PERKIPS, and MUIS continue to push the boundaries of what is possible through public-private partnerships, the ZAKAT for HER initiative exemplifies how compassion, innovation, and strategic collaboration can profoundly impact lives. This award at the GovMedia Conference & Awards 2024 celebrates their achievements and serves as a beacon of encouragement for future efforts in advancing healthcare equity.

¹National strategic plan for cancer control programme (2021-2025).

The Gov Media Awards is presented by Gov Media Magazine. To view the full list of winners, click here. If you want to join the 2025 awards programme and be recognised for your organisation's government projects and initiatives, please contact Jane Patiag at [email protected].

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