SG gov’t adopts colour-coded price tags for mixed rice
This will increase price transparency and help consumers to make informed choices.
The Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE) will adopt a colour-coded price tag system for the selling of economical rice, aiming to increase price transparency and help consumers make informed choices.
Rice stalls will now colour price tags such as green for vegetables, orange for meat, blue for seafood, and white for premium items.
CASE, in partnership with Koufu, will be launching a colour-coded pricing system for economical rice, starting with Hong Le Mixed Vegetables at Plantation Plaza. The system will expand to three more outlets next month and across all Koufu stalls by year-end.
The association is also working with supermarket operators including NTUC Fairprice, Cold Storage, Giant, Sheng Siong and Prime to display unit prices for common grocery items.