Event News

Engage public for sustainable growth through involvement, realistic targets, best practices – World Bank’s Daniel Levine

World Bank's Daniel Levine shares strategies for building robust economies and resilient societies in a post-pandemic world where governments face a plethora of challenges.

Engage public for sustainable growth through involvement, realistic targets, best practices – World Bank’s Daniel Levine

World Bank's Daniel Levine shares strategies for building robust economies and resilient societies in a post-pandemic world where governments face a plethora of challenges.

Acting now is key to decarbonising transport, says think tank

The International Transport Forum sounds a wake-up call that current policies only reduce global transport emissions by 3% come 2050.

Transport think tank presents ways for PH to decarbonise freight transport system

ITF’s recommendations, coupled with PH policies, may halve the freight sector’s carbon emissions by 2050.